Several School of Communications students took part in Student Undergraduate Research Forum presentations April 29 as part of Elon’s CELEBRATE! 2008 program.
The following students presented their research:
Andrew Sadler,Caroline Matthews, David Wells, Katherine Roberts and Alexander Steinpresented, “Finding Political News within Facebook” in a poster session. ByungLee mentored.
Katie Wareheim presented,“Gender Discrepancies in Sports Media: A Look Inside the Media Coverage ofMarch Madness.” Jessica Gisclair mentored.
Stefanie Meyers presented,“An Examination of the Use of Anecdotal Evidence in the FCC’s Report and Orderon Video Franchising.” Connie Book mentored.
Cara DiSistopresented, “Who Is She Wearing? A Study of Brand Appearances in Top-RatedTelevision Shows.” Barbara Miller mentored.
Kari Taylor,Elizabeth Palka, Sarah Sager and Steven Haas presented, “Hurricane Katrina:Radio in Eye of the Storm.” Connie Book mentored.
Lora Brink, RachelDailey, Bridget Seaman, Cole Gorman and Ben Dooley presented, “Functionalityof Hype? A Study of Cell Phone Features Used by College Students.” Byung Leementored.
Alyse Knorrpresented, “The Voices We Do Not Hear: Teen Pregnancy in Alamance County.” JannaAnderson mentored.
Katherine Meyer, TessKukovich, Erin Silva, Krista Montes de Oca and Brad McLaughlin presented, “YoungPeople’s Perceptions of Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Presidential Election.” ByungLee mentored.
Hailey Stebbins presented, “Namaste.” OcekEke mentored.
Catherine Serex presented,“A New Age for Humanitarianism: An Examination of the Use of New Media byNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).” Vic Costello mentored.
Tayler Kent presented,“Framing Terrorism: British and U.S. Coverage of 9/11 and 7/7.” Brooke Barnettmentored. (Barnett also mentored English major Sarah Cox’s presentation, “Degreesof Change: A Film and Conversation about Student Activism.”)
Ben DeLoose presented,“Historical Context in Film: A Case Study of the James Bond Series.” MichaelFrontani mentored.
Erin Barnett presented,“Bridging the Digital Divide.” Janna Anderson mentored.
Lindsay Boroush,Sarah Findle and Katelyn McCulley presented, “Reality Check for RealityT.V.” Barbara Miller mentored.
Krista Naposkipresented, “Covert Racism Still Exists in Newspapers: A Study of Local andNational Dailies.” David Copeland mentored