Summer Garden internship

I’m currently interning at the garden for Spring 2009 and have had a fantastic time with great people and beautiful land. This internship does count towards the Environmental Studies degree! Definitely look into it even if you only have an interest in gardening; it is a great experience!!!

“The Center seeks college students who are interested in working in our beautiful organic garden in the Timberlake Farm Earth Sanctuary. The Center garden hosts a wide variety of vegetables, medicinal and culinary herbs, fruits and flowers. Duties in the garden are seasonal and include weeding, bed preparation, planting, watering and harvesting. The garden is visited frequently by the children participating in programs at the Center and serves as a direct connection to the earth and where our food comes from, as well as a place of wonder, play and exploration. A minimum of six hours a week is needed for this position. If you are interested in making a commitment to weekly schedule of service during the summer semester, please contact Sandy as or e-mail the Center at”

Also feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the center!