Students, Professors Gather to Discuss Majors at Lambda Pi Eta Event

The second annual "How to Succeed as a Communications Major" event was held Tuesday night in McEwen Theater. Approximately 50 students attended the event, sponsored by the Eta Gamma Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the Communications Honor Society.

J. McMerty speaks to students at the Lambda Pi Eta event.

The event began with an opening by Lambda Pi Eta officers, followed by presentations from Communications faculty members on the various majors. Don Grady, chair of the school, gave an overview of the majors and discussed the newest major, Communication Science. In addition, Tim McMahon discussed strategic communications, Colin Donohue talked about journalism and J. McMerty shared information about cinema and broadcast and new media.

After a question-and-answer session, students divided in groups where senior students mentored freshmen and sophomore about classes, school opportunities, and insights.

“The event was a huge success, with students gaining valuable insight,” said Megan Prilutski, Lambda Pi Eta president and senior strategic communications major. “This event is becoming popular among students and I hope LPE will continue it.”

Other LPE officers for 2009-2010 include: Sana Advani, vice president; Claire Derreberry, secretary; Emily Sanner, treasurer; Josh Tate, scholarship chair. Associate professor Frances Ward-Johnson is faculty adviser.