TV Production Class Films Pilot Episode of ‘Elon City Lights’

At the Lighthouse Tavern Nov. 11, a group of students from the School of Communications Television Production class, led by student director Aaron Moger and student producer Crystal Moyer, successfully recorded the pilot episode of "Elon City Limits."

TV Production students at Lighthouse

The initial show featured Matt Douglas, the lead singer from the group The Proclivities. Douglas took the stage at 9 p.m. and entertained for nearly an hour-long acoustic set. With assistance from Max Negin (a Communications adjunct instructor), engineer Jeff James, J. McMerty (coordinator of video projects) and Nicole Triche (a Communications instructor), the students set up a remote production facility inside the tavern. The students will use the recorded performance of Douglas as part of their production of a DVD release of “Elon City Limits.”