May 7 – Numen Lumen

Teaching Evaluation Task Force - Forum for ideas and input on preliminary recommendations. (Grab lunch at Harden or Octagon then join the conversation.) 215 Moseley 1:40-2:40 pm

Please join the Academic Council Task Force on Teaching Evaluation for Numen Lumen on Friday, May 7, 1:40-2:40 p.m., in Moseley 215.

Before the Numen Lumen faculty/staff may have lunch in Harden Dining Hall (east section will be reserved) or pick up your lunch in Moseley’s Octagon Café and take it upstairs to room 215 for informal conversation with colleagues before the session starts at 1:40 p.m.

The Academic Council Task Force on Teaching Evaluation invites your ideas and input on its preliminary recommendations. Following the Task Force’s charge, these draft recommendations center on three main themes:

1) Revising the student evaluation form to better assess how teaching corresponds to the values stated in the Elon Teacher-Scholar statement;

2) Continuing to gather evaluation results with the paper-and-pencil format (rather than online), but reporting student evaluation results in more statistically sophisticated ways and creating a system that allows faculty
to generate customized reports on their evaluation;

3) Developing a set of optional ways faculty might gather feedback about their teaching beyond the student evaluation form.

Please join the Task Force members for a conversation about this important topic.

Jim Beuerle, Mathematics
Scott Buechler, Business Communications
Glenda Crawford, Education
David Cooper, Education
Peter Felten, Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning
Stephen Folger, Physical Therapy Education
Mandy Gallagher, Communications
Megan Isaac, English
Linda Sabo, Performing Arts
Gabie Smith, (Chair) Psychology
Sharon Spray, Political Science