Psychology research opportunity/Target gift card drawing

We are inviting twenty undergraduate students to participate in a research study conducted by two Elon students, Kelly Molin and Dani Schenk (under the supervision of Gabie Smith, Ph.D.). The study is investigating social perceptions of people engaged in health and risk behaviors. Those who choose to participate will be entered into a drawing for one of three Target gift cards ($50 gift card, and two $25 gift cards). The drawing will take place after all data has been collected in the late fall of 2010. In addition to being entered into the gift card drawing, this study satisfies the research participation requirement for Psychology courses.

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to read a one page description and listen to a brief audio diary of a person describing health and risk behaviors. After listening to the audio diary you will complete survey materials online that ask you to rate your opinions of the person described in the diary. Your name is not associated with your data, so your responses will be completely anonymous. Completion of the study should take approximately 30 minutes.

Please email Dani Schenk ( if you are interested in participating.