Apply for EV’s fall Alternative Break Trips

Are you interested in living a more sustainable and environmentally friendly life? Do you want to spend your fall break working for positive change? Elon Volunteers! has the perfect opportunity for you. Apply today to participate in one of our amazing fall break alternative service trips.

You can go to Turtle Island, N.C., a community where participants learn and practice what it means to be sustainable. Or you can spend time in the Appalachian Mountains and learn about the diversity of life, how to be a steward of the environment and how you can inspire change.

For more information check out our website or fill out an application, available by clicking the link to the right.

Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Oct. 1st in the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement (Moseley 230).

Questions? Email!
If you are interested in one of our other Alternative Breaks, applications will be due toward the end of October!