Feb. 24– Bill Ferrell, CEO, Ferrell Capital Management

Bill Ferrell, founder, president and chief investment officer of Ferrell Capital Management, will be leading a presentation, "Building Your Life Portfolio," this Thursday, February 24, 4:15 pm in KOBC 145. The program is part of the Love School of Business' Executive in Residence Series, and is open to all students. Mr. Ferrell will be joined by Caitlyn Levys '08, a research analyst with the firm.

Mr. Ferrell started Ferrell Capital Management in 1988 as a risk management consulting firm after retiring from the board of directors at Kidder Peabody. Today Ferrell Capital Management measures and manages risks of fixed income, foreign exchange, equity and commodity investors ranging from public and private pension funds, endowments, supra-nationals such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and hedge funds.

Mr. Ferrell and Caitlyn Levys will be offering advice on careers in risk management and professional development.