Elon Law Review announces topic and date for 2011 Symposium

On October 21, 2011, the Elon Law Review will present a symposium to discuss criminal law issues emerging in the decade since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Details about the symposium and the Law Review's Request for Proposals are noted in this article.

The title of the symposium is, “Terrorism’s Impact on Criminal Justice: How the Detection, Investigation, and Prosecution of Criminal Activity Has Changed Since 9/11.”

Call for Articles, Essays, and Requests to Present:

The editors of the Elon Law Review invite article proposals and requests to present from scholars, researchers, practitioners, and professionals on topics relating generally to changes in criminal law since 9/11. The goals of the symposium are: to analyze how the legal landscape has changed due to the increased dedication of policing resources to “the war on terror” and terrorism detection, and to examine the impact of resulting criminal legislation and political focus on terrorism in areas such as the civil rights of suspected terrorists and others, law enforcement tactics, new investigatory practices, and new issues impacting the prosecutorial function. Also, the symposium will look beyond terrorism and discuss the practical legal implications caused by the changes to the political landscape resulting from the 9/11 attacks. Desired substantive areas of interest include, but are not limited to: criminal law, evidence, criminal procedure, civil rights, and legislation.

Please submit proposals of no more than 500 words by attachment to Symposium Editor Scott Morgan at bmorgan6@elon.edu by July 1. All proposals should include the name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information of the intended author/presenter, and should address matters relating to the legal implications of the 9/11 attacks and the governmental and judicial reaction to that event. Authors are welcome to submit a CV.

The Elon Law Review expects to make offers to speakers and authors by at least August 1 and will cover the participants’ expenses.

Completed articles/essays will be due December 1, 2011 for publication in the Spring 2012 Symposium Edition of the Elon Law Review.

Click here for the Elon Law Review website.