RSVPs due for CATL Events

Sept. 8 Threshold Concepts research group Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered reading group

RSVPs due for both (1) threshold concepts research group, and (2) reading group on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered

Reading group: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered

RSVP to Peter Felten by Sept. 8.
This new book, written by three scholars from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Hutchings, Huber, Ciccone, 2011), defines the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) as a broad set of practices that engage teachers in looking closely and critically at student learning in order to improve their own courses and programs, and to share insights with other educations who can evaluate and build on their efforts (xix). This book provides an overview of the current literature and emerging trends in SoTL, and explores ways that SoTL can be more deeply integrated into faculty work and campus life.
This group will meet three times during the semester, at times that are convenient for all (or as many as possible) interested folks.

Threshold Concepts Reading Research Group

RSVP to Katie King by Sept. 8.
Threshold concepts are complex ideas that learners have to grapple with in order to continue on toward deeper learning in a discipline (for background, check out Ray Land’s plenary at Elon’s August teaching and learning conference, on the Teaching and Learning website. By focusing on threshold concepts, we gain insight on why our students tend to get stuck in certain places and how to help them cross the threshold into powerful new ways of viewing our disciplines and even, perhaps, themselves and the world! Supported by grants from the associate provost’s office and Funds for Excellence in the Arts and Science, a number of small research projects are about to be launched. Come find out what the buzz is about, and see how your own scholarly inquiry into threshold concepts can enhance your understanding of teaching and learning. Meeting times and locations TBA.