Team Hero: Students Supporting Armed Forces Everywhere

Team Hero is a group sponsored by the Human Services Studies department and aims to connect the Elon community with members of the military. We feel there is a major disconnect between civilian and military culture that results in a lack of support for those returning from tours of duty. Team Hero provides opportunities for members of the military and military families to share experiences with students in an effort to create support for those reintegrating into American society. We also raise $2,000 to sponsor a veteran and a service dog to enroll in the Paws and Stripes program.

If you have not thanked a veteran recently, here’s your chance! Please consider donating to our cause by going to our Team Hero Blog and selecting the amount you would like to donate. It may not seem like enough, but just remember that you are helping a veteran and a rescued shelter dog find a new purpose in life!

Feel free to pass this information to interested friends and family!

Thank you so much for your support!