We need your design skills for our new Winter Term theme

Elon Students
We need your design and marketing skills to help get Elon students excited about our new winter term theme.
Win a cash prize ($500) for the best visual look and tagline.
Winter Term 2013 – Theme of Diversity (broadly defined*)

The Winter Term theme offers many opportunities to learn about self and others through various fields and many different types of people and issues. The courses in the theme are connected by a focus on learning about people and cultures different from one’s own. The Winter Term schedule offers opportunities to think, explore, experience, and make connections – and to move beyond “the bubble” figuratively and sometimes literally. Faculty and staff are hoping that students – whether taking courses related to the theme or not – will participate in events and discussions that help them think more effectively about human difference.

*The intent is for a broad definition. The President’s Council on Diversity embraces inclusivity “in its broadest sense, including, but not limited to, diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, disability, socioeconomic standing, and intellectual viewpoint.”

We need your help in creating a visual look and tagline for the theme. We want students who are on campus during winter term to be engaged with this theme. The winning concept will be foundational in our winter term booklet, website and printed materials that will garner excitement and engagement around the new theme.

No need to use the word diversity in your concept at all. Just do something that gets at Elon’s commitment to an inclusive community and significant learning around difference.

The first step is to determine a visual look and tagline. We will give a $500 prize for the winning entry and ask that the designer work with the committee to fine tune the concept at the end of spring and in the fall. We encourage you to submit five or fewer visual comps as well as five or fewer taglines. Team entries are welcome.

The deadline for entries is April 16. Please send your entries to Brooke Barnett at bbarnett@elon.edu. Questions? Call Brooke Barnett at 336 278 5659.