Carl McIntyre to share story of stroke recovery – Jan. 14

After a devastating stroke, the actor and teacher found a new purpose in life, and he uses humor to educate audiences about the power of hope.


Carl McIntyre
Monday, January 14, at 7 p.m.

LaRose Digital Theatre, Koury Business Center

McIntyre, an actor and salesman, suffered a stroke and was told his recovery would plateau after a year and a half. Instead, through extensive speech, physical, and occupational therapy, McIntyre defied the experts and has continued to make progress for five years. McIntyre will show a 40-minute film he stars in titled “Aphasia” and then give a short humorous and inspirational presentation.

His campus appearance is part of the Winter Term 2013 theme of diversity. For more information on the month, visit the Winter Term 2013 web page.