Spectrum presents Pride Week 2013: Celebrate Yourself – April 15-20

Spectrum presents our Pride Week for 2013 happening April 15th-20th,2013.

Spectrum is excited to bring you Pride Week 2013: Celebrate Yourself. We hope that you come out to our events and celebrate yourself during this great week of events. Here is a schedule of what is going on throughout the week: 

Monday, April 15: 

Collect Your Rainbow (Moseley Tables, Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) – Come talk with Spectrum members throughout the week at a handy-dandy Moseley table, and get your passport to pride! Come see us!

Once you get a passport, you get a different colored sticker for each event you attend throughout the week. Try to collect the entire rainbow!

Jess Dugan Trans* Photo Talk (Isabella Cannon Room, 5:30 p.m.) – Talented photographer Jess Dugan will be on campus to discuss trans* and identity issues. 

Rainbow Day! (Moseley 215, 7:30 p.m.) – Meet us for Rainbow Day in Spectrum. Come create some art and crafts and wearable items to use in the Pride Parade on Friday. 

Tuesday, April 16: 

30 Second Marriages at College Coffee (9:40-10:20 a..m)- Want to marry your roommate? Your best friend? Or all three of your best friends? Here’s your big chance! Come enjoy a Ring Pop engagement ring and a nice ceremony at College Coffee!

LGBTQ Panel Discussion: Marriage Equality and other LGBTQIA Issues (Lindner 208, 7 p.m.) – Join Professors Swimelar, Huber, and Goldberg in a panel regarding many current LGBTQ issues that affect and touch everyone, regardless of identities. Fascinating experiences to be shared by all.

Wednesday, April 17: 

Identity Workshop (Belk Pavilion, Classroom 208, 7 p.m.)- Sick of gender binaries? Tired of feeling like you must pick one sexual orientation? Come learn a little more about yourself and your peers in this powerful workshop! The more is definitely the merrier as we discover what it is to be a person with many identities and roles all trying to reconcile themselves.

Thursday, April 18:

Open Mic Night! (Trollinger House, 9 p.m.) – Come share your talents with us! Bring us your poems, your music, your hearts in art. Bring something to share, or just come to enjoy the creations of others in this safe zone. 

Friday, April 19:  

National Day of Silence at Elon University – Join us as we take a walk with the voiceless for a day, remaining silent for the period in respect of those who can not and could not speak.

For more information on the Day of Silence, visit http://www.dayofsilence.org/

Pride Parade (Speaker’s Corner at Moseley Center, 4 p.m.) – Show your pride and celebrate yourself with Spectrum. Bring your garb from Rainbow Day and show your pride!

Bar-B-Queer (McEwen Grill, 5 p.m.) – Immediately following all that walking with the parade, refresh yourself with some good company and awesome food at McEwen grill! (next to the dining hall). Veggie friendly!

Saturday, April 20: 

Second Chance Prom (Harden Clubhouse, 7-10 p.m.) – Didn’t have an awesome prom when you were in school? Or did you? Well, ours will be better, we bet! Come join us in Harden Clubhouse for a fantastic night of dancing, food, and fun. Please come dressed comfortably: dress or jeans or drag, we’re good with whatever! Want to come in drag and perform? Awesome! We’d love to have you! Please email spectrum@elon.edu, and we’ll get music and other fun things all set up for you!