Lunch and Learn: The cultural importance of trans director Lana Wachowski's films – Jan. 13

Join this workshop led by Dr. Cael Keegan on the significance of films by trans director Lana Wachowski.

Monday, January 13
Lunch and Learn: The cultural importance of trans director Lana Wachowski’s films (Bound, The Matrix Trilogy, Cloud Atlas)
Belk Pavilion 201, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. (Lunch provided)

This talk addresses the ongoing cultural and historical importance of transgender director Lana Wachowski’s iconic film series, The Matrix Trilogy. As an out, queer transgender woman and mainstream blockbuster film director, Wachowski has become perhaps the most important transgender image-maker in the history of the Western world. Her film The Matrix, which exploded into American popular culture in 1999, permanently altered our understanding of the cinematic body in ways that are informed by the political and technological development of modern transgender consciousness. This workshop is led by Dr. Cael Keegan, Visiting Assistant Professor of LGBT Studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Please email Laura St. Cyr to sign up. Space is limited.