CATL workshop on inclusive teaching – Feb. 25

We’ll share useful strategies for navigating common challenges to help foster and sustain inclusive classrooms.

Tricky Situations: Navigating Challenges to Inclusive Teaching 
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 12:30-1:45 p.m.
Lindner 206

What if you have a student who seems to bait other students by making insulting generalizations about a particular group of people? Ones who make and laugh at offensive jokes? Or, have students who intentionally exclude a peer in small groups or gang up on one student who holds a view different from the majority? In this workshop, participants will be introduced to a few principles related to teaching inclusively and then think through ways to deal with a number of difficult and/or sensitive scenarios that could easily occur in their teaching environments. We’ll share useful strategies for navigating common challenges to help foster and sustain inclusive classrooms. Lunch will be provided.

To sign up, please use the registration form.