POWERless and RecycleMania March update

POWERless & RecycleMania draw to a close for the month.  

There has been plenty of madness with POWERless and RecycleMania this month.

POWERless:  Yes, all those hours you spent without power were accounted for so no area got more of an advantage for having their power out the longest.  There is only one more day to conserve.

Ann Pancake reads to Periclean Scholars and co. during brief power outage in March.
If you want a chance to win $50 phoenix cash or a solar charger for your electronic devices, you have to Commit to Conserve on the Building Dashboard or take the Sustainability Pledge by 11:59pm Wednesday, March 19th.


Winners will be announced at College Coffee on Tuesday, April 1.

RecycleMania: Though Elon moved from being ranked 7th in schools participating in NC to 6th, we only have until March 31 to get to the top 5. So if you are cleaning your room or office before break,  help Elon by putting all recyclables in the correct bin. ALL plastics (not just drink bottles) and aluminum cans go in the green bins.  ALL paper goes in the blue bins.  Even post-it-notes. Wonder where all those miscelaneous items go? Check this page.

Tip: create a makeshift recycling bin for your room out of a cardboard box or reusable bag to make your trip to the recycling and trash stations faster and easier.