'Another World is Possible: 20 Years Responding to the Needs of Nicaragua's Poor' – April 24

The Periclean Class of 2016 brings to campus Sarah Junkin Woodard of the Center for Development in Central America to speak about the work she has done in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua.

CDCA is an organization dedicated to supporting, guiding, and maintaining projects initiated and led by members of the local community in Ciudad Sandino. It focuses in areas such as sustainable agriculture, health care, economic development and education.

Junkin Woodard will speak about her years empowering members of the Nicaraguan community where she lives and works. She will also be selling handmade Nicaraguan crafts (all profits go to the CDCA).

The event will take place at 4:15 in Holt Chapel, near the Intramural Fields.

See the following website for more information on the CDCA and its work: http://jhc-cdca.org/