Jon Levenson, 'The Binding of Isaac in the Three "Abrahamic" Traditions: The Jewish-Christian-Muslim Debate' – March 17

Professor Jon Levenson[/caption]Tuesday, March 17
Jon Levenson, “The Binding of Isaac in the Three ‘Abrahamic’ Traditions: The Jewish-Christian-Muslim Debate”

LaRose Digital Theatre in the Koury Business Center, 7:30 p.m.

Jon Levenson, the Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies at Harvard University Divinity School, will explore parallel texts from Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions and will demonstrate both the strengths and the limitations of the claim that these three religious traditions constitute varieties of one “Abrahamic Religion.”

Sponsored by the Fund for Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, the Lori and Eric Sklut Emerging Scholar in Jewish Studies Program, the Center for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society, the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, and the Department of Religious Studies