Join us during Lent for Contemplative Prayer and Song in the Spirit of Taizé
Taizé is a global ecumencial movement of Christians that combines simple praise choruses, scripture, contemplative prayer, silence, and candle-lighting, to focus our hearts and minds on Christ as the source of personal and social renewal.
Taizé on March 4 will be hosted by Catholic Campus Ministry at Holt Chapel at 6:45 p.m. Those who attend are also invited to stay for Wednesday Catholic Mass at 7:30 p.m.
Taizé on April 1 will feature Prayers around the Cross for Holy Week and will take place in the Sacred Space.
All are welcome. Taizé worship brings together Protestants and Catholics and anyone seeking space for more contemplative prayer and reflection. For more information, contact Joel Harter, the Associate Chaplain for Protestant Life.