Elon embraces the National Week of Making

Members of the Elon family - from students to alumni to faculty - were out in the world from N.Y. to D.C. making strides during the National Week of Making.

During this year’s National Week of Making students, alumni, and faculty of Elon participated in conferences, faires, and exhibits. We led discussions, educated the public, and took home awards.

At the National Maker Faire, June 18th-19th, Elon was a significant element of the Alamance Makers Guild exhibit. Elon was represented by alumni Mayor Ian Baltutis of Burlington, recent alumni and Kickbox project grant recipient Jon Howar, current student Samantha Berry, and Doctor of Physics Professor Crider. The Alamance exhibit was primarily intended to be an example of how an average, small American city can create a thriving, interconnected Maker culture. It’s for this reason that we received 5 Editor’s Choice Blue Ribbon Awards.

From June 14th-16th in Rochester N.Y., and on June 21st in D.C., Elon led discussions at the New Media Consortium and the MakeSchools’ Higher Ed. Alliance Symposium respectively. Instructional Technologists for Elon, Dan Reis and Michael Vaughn, gave presentations on Elon’s successes in creating Maker spaces, and our vision for the future. 

Elon was additionally one of 81 higher education institutions to sign a MakeSchools Alliance letter to the President, reiterating the joined intent of the Alliance to pursue and support the Maker movement.

For more details on these events, background into the Maker movement and the National Week of Making, and a bunch of pictures, follow this link here to our Blog Post.