Student Write In – Thursday, Oct 20

Student Write Ins are for any student who wants to devote four uninterrupted hours to their writing.

Student Write In

What is a Write In?

The Center for Writing Excellence is sponsoring it’s first Student Write in – in alignment with our celebrations with the National Day on Writing!

Student Write Ins are for any student who wants to devote four hours, without interruptions, to their writing. They are a great way to launch or make progress on your research or assignments, personal or professional writing project.

We provide a quiet place, table space, power for your computer, snacks and hot/cold beverages throughout the session. Email, phone calls and other distractions are discouraged.

Sign up HERE to attend the Student Write In being held on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016 in Belk Library, Room 113. Session being held from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. Snacks and beverages will be provided.