Bryan Dewsbury to facilitate discussion among M.A. in Higher Education cohort

Members of the M.A. in Higher Education cohort will join Bryan Dewsbury in an educational discussion to better address questions of equity and community-building on Aug. 16. 


Bryan Dewsbury is an assistant professor of Biology at the University of Rhode Island and is the principal investigator for the SEAS (Science Education And Research) program. 

The program’s research focuses on questions relating to identity constructs, bias, relationships, and the effects of those variables on learning in students kindergarten through graduate school. Dewsbury is ultimately interested in helping to re-frame the education discussion to better address questions of equity and community-building. His work addresses pressing issues such as student retention in STEM fields (especially in higher education), the under-representation of minority groups in certain STEM fields, and the role of affect (instructor and student) in promoting student learning gains. Dewsbury also uses the results of those efforts to help faculty develop inclusive curricula and sense of community in the classroom.

Dewsbury is one of the plenary speakers for the 2018 Teaching and Learning Conference sponsored by the Center for Advancement of Teaching & Learning and Teaching and Learning Technologies.