Fuller provides insights for article on students turning to chaplains for help

The article by the international news outlet VICE focused on the expanding roles of college and university chaplains includes comments from Jan Fuller, university chaplain and president of the National Association of College and University Chaplains. 

A recent article appearing in VICE, an international news outlet, focused on the expanding roles of chaplains on college and university campuses includes valuable insights from Jan Fuller, university chaplain at Elon and president of the National Association of College and University Chaplains. 

The article by Mark Hay titled "College Students in Crisis Are Increasingly Turning to Religious Leaders for Help" examines how chaplains are developing skills to offer counsel to students on matters beyond their religious faith. That comes as campuses work to raise awareness about mental health isssues students face and increase resources to assist them. 

"Chaplains must be part of mental health service structures somehow," Fuller told Hay for the article. "…If what you need is a community of care, we can be part of that."

Read the entire article here