Yoga: The Silent Hero

Five reasons why you should incorporate yoga into your daily routine  

Five reasons why you should incorporate yoga into your daily routine:

  1. Makes You Happier: Many studies find that consistent yoga practice improves depression, increases serotonin levels, and decreases monoamine oxidase – the recipe for a better, happier mood.
  2. Perfects Your Posture: Did you know that your head weighs 10 to 11 pounds? It can even feel heavier when you are tired, leading to slouching and back pain. Yoga works to perfect your posture and therefore relieve your back pain.
  3. Helps You Focus: Yoga stresses focusing on the present. Practicing yoga regularly improves coordination, reaction time, and memory, leading to more successful study periods.
  4. Helps You Sleep Deeper: Yoga provides relief from the stress and anxiety present in daily life. A by-product of this is better sleep, and you'll notice you'll be less tired and stressed throughout your day.
  5. Improves Flexibility and Builds Muscle Strength: Taking yoga classes will simultaneously improve flexibility and build muscle strength. Tight muscles can strain joints and cause pain. As yoga increases your flexibility, less stress will be placed on your joints. Building muscle strength is essential as it protects us from conditions like arthritis and back pain.