We Need Your Voice: HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey opens this week

The survey seeks to improve university resources and to better tailor prevention messaging.

On Feb. 12, the HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate survey link was sent to all Elon University students. The survey aims to gather information about student’s direct and indirect experiences with sexual assault, relationship abuse, stalking, and harassment, as well as resource knowledge, bystander behaviors, and understanding of consent. The survey will remain open until March 10.

Pink and blue gradient background with black text reading: "We need your voice: Share your experiences and how you think Elon should respond to sexual assault, relationship abuse, stalking, and harassment by completing the HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey. Complete for the chance to win a $100 gift card. All students have received a link to the survey in their email. For more information, email glc@elon.edu. For confidential support, reach out to akrauss3@elon.edu or Safeline (3360278-3333).The purpose of the survey is twofold: first to improve university resources that respond to sexual assault, relationship abuse, stalking and harassment, and second to better tailor prevention messaging to lower rates of these forms of violence on campus. Understanding student experiences and student knowledge of resources allows response offices (confidential advocacy, Title IX, etc.) to see where there may be gaps in services, and understanding bystander behaviors and student understanding of consent allows for prevention work that starts at students’ knowledge levels.

Responding to HEDS gives students the opportunity to create a safer campus community, and they will be able to enter to win one of five $100 gift cards and other prizes. The survey is also completely anonymous. Students will be asked for their Elon credentials at the beginning of the survey, but this is only used to verify that they are students. All data will get sent to the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS), and Elon staff will only receive responses in the aggregate. Entering to win an incentive will occur on a completely separate form.

Given the subject matter of the survey, students are encouraged to reach out to university resources should they need to. Below are a few of the resources offered at Elon, and a full list of resources will also be included in the survey.

If you’re interested in getting involved in violence prevention efforts, reach out to the Gender & LGBTQIA Center at glc@elon.edu.