Elon students honored for 2024 fall grades

Elon University has released its President's List and Dean's List academic recognitions for the most recently completed academic term.

Academic honors for the 2024 fall semester are now online, with students and parents invited to download customized news releases to send to hometown newspapers.

The President’s List is composed of students with no grade below an A-minus in a minimum of 12 semester hours. The Dean’s List is composed of students with no grade below a B-minus and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in a minimum of 12 semester hours.

The Elon University News Bureau encourages students and families to submit the announcement to local newspapers. Some newspapers welcome photos to accompany the announcement.

All questions about the criteria for the President’s List and Dean’s List and an individual student’s qualifications for the honors should be directed to the Office of the Registrar at (336) 278-6677 during normal business hours. There is often a delay in the reporting of grades for some students studying abroad, and the lists will be updated once all grades are received.

If you find a factual error or a misspelled name in your release, please contact Eric Townsend in the Office of University Communications at etownsend4@elon.edu.