Articles by Eric Townsend

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FIU team crowned winner of Elon Law’s 2023 moot court competition

October 23, 2023

Two students from Florida International University won an annual contest hosted by the Moot Court Board that required this year’s teams to answer the question: does a ban on talking with minor patients about conversion therapy violate a doctor’s First Amendment rights to free speech?

Pro bono event helps others move past ‘one bad day’

October 19, 2023

Law students partnered this fall with attorneys from Legal Aid of North Carolina and their Elon Law faculty mentors to help residents of Guilford and Durham counties with applications to remove criminal charges from background records.

Elon Law hosts global experts on transnational commercial law 

October 13, 2023

The 14th Transnational Commercial Law Teachers Meeting convened in Greensboro from October 5-6, 2023, where leading scholars and two Elon Law students shared updates on trends affecting trade, contracts, intellectual property, and regulations that extend across borders.