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Tiffany Atkins serves on panel at SALT conference

October 4, 2016

A Legal Method and Communication Fellow at Elon Law, Atkins contributed to a discussion on "Breaking-In and Staying-In the Law School Community" for the Society of American Law Teachers’ annual conference.

Elon Law hosts Friends & Family Day

September 28, 2016

Dozens of families visited Greensboro, North Carolina, for an annual event that demonstrated what life is like for Elon Law students preparing to serve as lawyer leaders.

Friends & Family Day at Elon Law – Sept. 24

September 20, 2016

Elon University School of Law faculty and staff will welcome students and their families to campus this weekend for mock classes, moot court demonstrations, and a silent auction to benefit scholarship funds.

Top N.C. jurists offer counsel and wisdom to Class of 2018

September 2, 2016

Three former chief justices of the North Carolina Supreme Court - today members of the Elon University School of Law Board of Advisors - shared personal and career stories to new students enrolled in an August legal leadership class.

Elon Law faculty share research at Stanford conference

August 30, 2016

Associate Professor David S. Levine and Tim McFarlin, a Legal Method and Communication Fellow at Elon Law, presented their scholarship at the 16th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference.