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Mussa Idris publishes two peer-reviewed journal articles

October 23, 2019

His research is based on two data sets: one about the resettlement experiences of refugees in North Carolina and another about the solidarity networks that support the entrepreneurship of Ethiopians and Eritreans in Washington D.C.

Ariela Marcus-Sells publishes article in journal History of Religions

May 7, 2019

The article by the assistant professor of religious studies examines an Arabic text written by a Sufi Muslim scholar named Sīdi Muḥammad al-Kuntī, who lived in the Sahara Desert in the 19th century. The article argues that this scholar based his family's claim to social authority on their control over powerful practices that they called "the sciences of the unseen." 

Buffie Longmire-Avital gives invited talk at Guilford College

October 25, 2018

Buffie Longmire-Avital, associate professor of psychology, presented findings from her current research exploring the identity development of emerging adult black gay men and how this and other psychosocial factors are related to partner preferences and sexual health behaviors on Oct. 24.