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Mussa Idris publishes two peer-reviewed journal articles
October 23, 2019
Amanda Mbuvi: ‘Seeing Ourselves in Books: What a Jewish Transracial Adoption Story Illustrates about Family and Identity’
September 10, 2019
Amy Johnson publishes in the Haitian History Journal
August 28, 2019
Amy Johnson, associate professor of history and the executive director of the Elon Core Curriculum co-authors article in the Haitain History Journal
Ariela Marcus-Sells publishes article in journal History of Religions
May 7, 2019
The article by the assistant professor of religious studies examines an Arabic text written by a Sufi Muslim scholar named Sīdi Muḥammad al-Kuntī, who lived in the Sahara Desert in the 19th century. The article argues that this scholar based his family's claim to social authority on their control over powerful practices that they called "the sciences of the unseen."
"Check All That Apply" Multiracial Town Hall – March 6
March 4, 2019
The Center for Race, Ethnicity, and Diversity Education, Moseley 221, 5:30 to 6:45 p.m.
Ariela Marcus-Sells wins prestigious national fellowship
December 12, 2018
The assistant professor of religious studies will use the support from the National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship to support her work on a book manuscript.
Longmire-Avital delivers keynote address at the 6th annual Black Doctoral Network Conference
November 4, 2018
Buffie Longmier-Avital, associate professor of psychology, spoke about her jounrey through graduate school to a position as associate professor while being a woman of color.
Buffie Longmire-Avital gives invited talk at Guilford College
October 25, 2018
Buffie Longmire-Avital, associate professor of psychology, presented findings from her current research exploring the identity development of emerging adult black gay men and how this and other psychosocial factors are related to partner preferences and sexual health behaviors on Oct. 24.
Buffie Longmire-Avital co-authors article on resilience and depression among black LGB emerging adults
October 2, 2018
The article, "Resilience and depression: The roles of racial identity, sexual identity and social support on well-being for Black LGB emerging adults” appears in the Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships.
Ariela Marcus-Sells presents on devotional prayer in the Saharan Desert
September 17, 2018
An assistant professor of religious studies and Distinguished Emerging Scholar, Marcus-Sells presented the paper at Harvard Divinity School on Sept. 15.