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Lessons learned at Elon have lasting impact on Darrin Smith ’88
May 29, 2024
Smith followed his Elon education with a 12-year career in the U.S. Army that prepared him for his current role at chief financial officer.
Opening Doors: An inspiring journey from Elon to success in real estate for Daniela Pereyra ’16
May 6, 2024
An unlikely journey to a successful real estate business
Andy Shaffer ’90 pursues a passion-led career
April 16, 2024
From the Elon bricks to leading a family business, producing a movie, and creating a seltzer company, Shaffer has achieved a broad range of career experiences.
The road to becoming a surgeon for Marissa Mastrocola ’13
December 6, 2023
Marissa Mastrocola’s ’13 shares about how her experiences at Elon prepared her for a career in medicine.
Alivia Mattioli-Hodge ’15 races into her ninth season with Penske Entertainment
December 1, 2023
The senior manager of partnerships at Penske Entertainment set her sights on a career in the motorsports industry as a child and leveraged what she learned at Elon to find professional success.
Alumni In Action: Alex Day ’16 from Elon to sports media giant Overtime
October 25, 2023
From the baseball fields of Elon to working for the New York Yankees and sports media giant Overtime, Alex Day ‘16 has had a riveting and exciting career post-Elon.
Alumni in Action: Callie Crew ’15 and Jeffrey Cook ’15 find career success and each other through Elon
October 9, 2023
Callie Crew ’15 and Jeffrey Cook ’15 are the textbook definition of a power couple. Excelling in different careers, they exemplify how Elon students can find success through varied experiences that lead to opportunities in a range of career fields.
Alumni in Action: Wes Horbatuck ’11 and Greg Orfe ’11 turn lifelong friendship in unique apparel company
September 13, 2023
College roommates turned lifelong friends, Horbatuck and Orfe formed Driftline, a water sport activewear company.
Alumni in Action: Alison Avery ’16 finds her passion in fundraising and advocating for others with Friedreich’s Ataxia
August 21, 2023
Diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia, a rare degenerative disease, Avery serves as an ambassador for others with the illness while also pursuing her passions through nonprofit work with the NFL Foundation.
Alumni in Action: Jack Corby ’22, from Phoenix to Fulbright
August 2, 2023
Jack Corby ‘22 expands his horizons as a Fulbright Scholar teaching in Bulgaria, and finds his passion for education and community engagement.