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Pathways to Design Thinking course focuses on campus and community applications
April 16, 2021
One credit “Pathways to Design Thinking” course offered students the chance to deepen their understanding of the design thinking process by applying it to campus and community design challenges.
School of Health Sciences faculty and staff present at Association for Death Education and Counseling’s annual conference
April 15, 2021
Associate Professor Tracey Thurnes and Dianne Person, director of the Anatomical Gift Program presented “Better End-of-Life Conversations: A Mutually Beneficial Educational Experience.”
The Center for Design Thinking prepares for 2021 Design Forge with speaker series on Participatory Design Practices
February 15, 2021
The Center for Design Thinking is hosting a variety of events ahead of its fourth annual Design Forge which is scheduled for June 3-4, 2021.
Elon Doctor of Physical Therapy students co-design Global Learning Opportunities 2.0
February 10, 2021
Paula DiBiasio, associate professor in physical therapy and GLO program coordinator, and Danielle Lake, director of design thinking and associate professor, are partnering with Doctor of Physical Therapy program students and Global Learning Opportunities (GLO) program alumni to co-design the future of GLO. DiBiasio envisions a more flexible program that positively impacts healthcare disparities by promoting students’ development of skills related to engaging with difference sensitively and equitably.
Elon by Design partners with Duke, UNC, N.C. State and N.C. Central to catalyze a regional Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning Collaborative
February 3, 2021
The collaborative, which includes faculty from universities across North Carolina, is working to reimagine and extend teaching, research, and service using design thinking methods.
New collaborative “Better Together Series” featured Design Thinking workshops
December 17, 2020
The Professional Development Collaborative launched the Better Together Workshop Series this fall to help community members in Alamance County gain skills designed to address the collective challenges 2020 brought.
Stories of Burlington’s Black community amplified in Elon College project
November 30, 2020
The Power & Place Collaborative's "Stories of Alamance County" were compiled by sophomore Honors Fellows and Human Service Studies seniors to share local voices and forge relationships with the Burlington community.
The Center for Design Thinking reflects back and launches forward with a unique one-credit pathway course in Design Thinking
November 17, 2020
The Center's most recent study uncovers that alumni who participated in the Design Thinking Studio in Social Innovation found the design thinking skills they acquired in the program allowed them to excel in their professional lives. With these findings in mind, the Center launches a new Pathways to Design Thinking one-credit Winter Term course.
Lake and Guo present on ‘Mapping the Terrain of Design Thinking’
October 20, 2020
Pedagogies & Outcome: The Center for Design Thinking Presents at the Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) Symposium
Morgan Kearns ’22 shares design thinking research at international conference
October 2, 2020
Kearns, a Leadership Fellow, recently presented research on design thinking with Director of Design Thinking Danielle Lake at the International Social Research Conference.