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Elon Poll: In North Carolina & beyond, fix Obamacare

June 15, 2015

Respondents in the poll's latest online surveys offered their views on legal questions about to be announced by the U.S. Supreme Court, including the Affordable Care Act and the rights of states to decide for themselves whether to recognize same-sex marriage. 

Student sign-ups now open for upcoming Elon Poll

April 7, 2015

The second Elon University Poll of the spring semester takes place April 20-24, 2015, and will ask residents of North Carolina for their opinions on various social, economic and political issues. 

Elon Poll: N.C. supports police body cameras & public release of footage

March 11, 2015

While most people in the latest Elon University Poll approved of police officers wearing body cameras, when respondents were asked whether the video footage itself should be made available for public inspection, patterns started to vary based on political ideology and race.

Jason Husser talks politics with North Carolina media

December 10, 2014

The assistant professor of political science and Faculty Fellow for Civic Engagement spoke with Time Warner Cable News and with WFMY News 2 in early December about politics and the U.S. Senate's report on CIA torture.