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Mark Prokosch research links brains with sex appeal
December 29, 2008
Attention men. Drop the dumbbells and hit the books. Your brain may be your most attractive body part. Mark Prokosch, an Elon University adjunct assistant professor, shows in new research due to be published this winter in Evolution and Human Behavior that intelligence is important when it comes to attracting a woman.
Leupold, Waters present at national leadership conference
December 8, 2008
Inside Higher Ed publishes column by Amy Overman
November 6, 2008
Amy Overman, an assistant professor of psychology, had a column about her experience teaching an online course published in the Nov. 6 edition of Inside Higher Ed, a daily online news site that covers trends and issues that affect colleges and universities.
Professor Linda Wilmshurst authors new textbook
November 5, 2008
How do you teach future child psychologists and counselors about the
problems young people can face? Linda Wilmshurst, an assistant
professor of psychology at Elon, offers answers to that question in
Abnormal Child Psychology: A Developmental Perspective, a new textbook
she has authored for upper undergraduates and master’s-level students.
Prokosch’s research featured in New Scientist
October 7, 2008
Mat Gendle article in Chronicle of Higher Ed examines faculty scholarship
July 13, 2008
An opinion article by Mathew Gendle, assistant professor of psychology, explores the faculty challenge of doing scholarly research while carrying a full teaching load. Gendle argues that undergraduate teaching may help the scholarly process rather than hinder it.
Five Elon Faculty Present at Service Learning Symposium
June 25, 2008