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Elon students use Skype to connect with their peers in Iraq

October 28, 2010

Elon sociology and global studies students used Skype technology on Oct. 20 to hold a 90-minute conversation with students at Dijlah University College in Baghdad, Iraq. The session was the brainchild of Elon sociology professor Tom Arcaro and Ahmed Fadaam, a sculptor/journalist from Baghdad who has visited Elon in the past.

Anne Bolin presents at SAA meetings

April 1, 2010

Anne Bolin was invited to organize and co-chair a symposium titled "Issues in Teaching Human Sexuality: Sexual Orientations" at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Merida, Mexico, from March 24-27.

Elon students finalists in advocacy competition

March 31, 2010

A letter from two Elon students to U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, in which they urge the Massachusetts senator to support legislation that funds the development of nuclear energy technology, is a finalist in a contest that will be judged April 8 by prominent former lawmakers at a Project Pericles conference in New York City.

Julia Roberts ’10 and Kim Jones publish article

March 8, 2010

Senior Julia Roberts, an Elon Honors Fellow, and Kim Jones, assistant professor of anthropology, published an article about access to HIV testing in Brazil in the fall/spring 2009 issue of Southern Anthropologist, a peer-reviewed journal of the Southern Anthropological Society.