Moore publishes on undergraduate research on Literacy & NCTE

Jessie L. Moore and Joyce Kinkead write about the transformative power of undergraduate research on the National Council of Teachers of English blog, Literacy & NCTE.

Jessie L. Moore, director of the Center for Engaged Learning and associate professor of English, and Joyce Kinkead, professor of English at Utah State University, write about the transformative power of undergraduate research on the National Council of Teachers of English blog, Literacy & NCTE.

Their post, The Naylor Workshop in Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies, describes an initiative to support undergraduate writing research that is in process. Students from around the country attend a three-day workshop, where they are mentored by writing studies faculty as the students design and advance an undergraduate research project.

The 2017 Naylor Workshop was Sept. 15-17 at York College in York, Pennsylvania. Moore served as a mentor for the fourth year in a row and offered a workshop on quantitative research methods in writing studies.

As Moore and Kinkead outline in their post, participating students learn inquiry strategies, develop professional relationships with mentors and peers in the field, and pursue their passions as they grapple with interesting questions about writing.