Graduating seniors were asked  “What advice would you give to incoming biology majors?” These are their answers:

  • Learn how to study, meet all of your professors, take every opportunity, and always ask questions.
  • Keep your options open and go into courses willing to explore.
  • Always give a hundred percent and you can’t help but be successful.
  • Get to know your professors because they are priceless.
  • My advice would be to get involved with the program as early as possible.   Research the opportunities and see what is best for you. All of the opportunities in the program will help you get where you want/ need to go.
  • Get an advisor ASAP so you can determine your course schedule (and not “waste” time on other courses).
  • Utilize the tutoring and career centers; they’re the best untapped resources around.
  • Get involved in Bio Club and get to know the professors. They are great. You won’t find professors like them elsewhere.
  • Do not feel bad or get frustrated when you find yourself doing double or triple the amount of work as people in other majors.
  • Be prepared to work hard, it can be rough at times, but very rewarding.
  • Have an idea of what you want to do and start early. Get involved in as possible.
  • Don’t fall behind.
  • Take advantage of freshman year classes and do well in them because they are definitely the base for everything else you will do.
  • Talk to your professors a lot, go to office hours, etc. It makes a difference.
  • Get off to a good start. If possible take some classes during the summer so your senior year won’t be as stressful, don’t wait till the last minute.
  • Don’t be afraid to become friends of faculty. They are here for you.
  • Plan your classes two semesters ahead of time.
  • Constantly build your resumé.
  • Take classes in various majors. Think about careers and make sure this is what you want to be. Then be here and give it what you’ve got.
  • Study, study, study!
  • Fasten your seatbelt.
  • Plan ahead. Get ready for study and work or get out. Get to know your professors.
  • Stay on top of your work-don’t procrastinate-work is difficult but do-able if done in a timely fashion.
  • Read everything assigned plus more.
  • Learn the stuff. Don’t just cram to pass the test.
  • I had no idea how much the major and its classes would take, the dedication I would need. I would have adjusted a lot better had I known but it seems like you have to feel your way through and learn as you go. But the support from faculty and fellow majors is invaluable. I would tell incoming majors to seek out the faculty for help. They will help you and make it less stressful.
  • If you can plan out your four years coming in, make time for study abroad, internships and things.
  • Make a four-year plan and go over it with an advisor in the bio dept.
  • Plan out your courses early and keep focused on what you do and get where they want.
  • Take advantage of all opportunities.
  • Start thinking about internships, research, outside summer opportunities early.