1. Develop a specific procedure for the receipt and handling of reports to Academic Council from Task Forces. Draft specific handbook language that codifies these procedures.
  2. Complete work on all three task forces outstanding from 2012-2013.
    1. Evaluate recommendations from the Task Force on the Promotion and Tenure Process in the fall; bring to faculty for discussion; draft proposed handbook changes/process documents and bring to faculty for consideration and vote (as required).
    2. Complete and vote on proposed handbook changes based on the recommendations from the Task Force on the Role of the Department Chair.
    3. Consider the recommendations from the Task Force on Service in relation to the work of both the P&T and Department Chair Task Forces.
  3. Support the continuing work of the Inclusive Community Council.
    1. Develop support strategies/mechanisms to facilitate constructive discussions of diversity at the departmental level.
  4. Explore the possibility of a major rewrite/streamlining of both the bylaw and non-bylaw portions of the faculty handbook.
  5. Investigate and address potential inconsistencies regarding temporal compensation for interdisciplinary program coordinators and faculty fellows.
  6. Lead campus-wide conversations on the major challenges facing higher education. These challenges include: rising costs, reduced affordability, student debt, predictions of college closings in large numbers, questions about whether college is “worth it,” and issues surrounding Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) and related developments in online education.