Schedule of Recurring Surveys

Updated: July 26, 2024

Time of Year
Frequency (Next Administration)
CIRP/The Freshman Survey August New Students Every three years (Summer 2025)
Elon Asks! August New Students Two years on, one year off (Summer 2024)
Commuter Habits September All Campus Biennally (2023)
Sustainability Survey September All Campus Biennally (postponed)
Fall Student Survey Mid-Fall Varies Annually (Under Review)
Diverse Learning Environments Late Fall All Students Every three years (TBD)
Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership Early Spring All Undergraduates Every three years ( Spring 205) – deferred
Your First College Year Mid-Spring First-Years Every three years (Spring 2026)
College Senior Survey Mid-Spring Seniors Every three years (Spring 2026)
National Survey of Student Engagement Mid-Spring First-Years and Seniors Every three years (Spring 2025)
Spring Student Survey Mid-Spring Varies Every three years (TBD) as needed