The objective of EECI is to lay a strong foundation for Elon’s early career professionals by providing resources, support, connection to Elon’s goals, professional learning strategies and a supportive cohort of university colleagues.

EECI is intended to supplement, not replace Human Resources orientation, Joining Elon, or other divisional on-boarding.

A 2019 Student Life committee researched competencies from NACE, Boldly Elon and professional associations and created the first Student Life EECI cohort in summer 2022, an university pilot with four divisions in 2023, and expanded to the entire university for 2024.

Participant Recruitment

Participant recruitment takes places in the spring. We encourage staff with 1-4 years experience to apply for the next cohort.

Who is coordinating the 2024-25 EECI?

Co-Coordinators: Emily Krechel, director of new student programs, and Megan Noltemeyer, assistant to the vice president for student life and director of strategic initiatives

Facilitators: Vicki Blocker, Sal Catapano, Kim Doerflinger, Danielle Golinski, Meredith Harrison, Cynthia Jones, Janelle Papay, Maria Papapietro, Lea Phelps, Doug Purnell, Betsy Polk, Will Roberson, Mary Southern, Dallas Smith and Julie White

Who is this program for?

EECI is designed for staff members who are in their first four years working in higher education. Supervisor support and approval is a requirement as part of the application process. Requirements are intentionally kept at a minimum. If a staff member is interested in applying and doesn’t fit the above criteria, they can provide a justification with supervisor support for inclusion.

How will I benefit?

Curriculum for the Elon Early Career Institute is crafted to promote the development of foundational professional competencies:

  • Leadership
  • University decision-making and culture
  • Building meaningful relationships and mentoring networks
  • Skill development for higher education professionals

Participants will also develop competency in inclusive excellence and wellness and well-being, both of which serve as overarching themes and are addressed in relationship to each of the competencies.

How is the program structured?

Participants will attend a one-and-a-half-day off-site retreat experience in the summer followed by monthly one-on-one or group sessions throughout the academic year. Staffing includes:

  • 5-25 participants per division
  • 2 overarching EECI co-coordinators working with the Office of Leadership and Professional Development to coordinate the program
  • 1 mid-level facilitator per 3-5 participants, leading sessions, meeting with participants, etc.

EECI Sample Calendar 

  • Early June – Supervisors of participants meet with coordinators and facilitators
  • June – Off-site retreat (1.5 days including an overnight)
  • July – Participants meet one-on-one or small group with their facilitator
  • August – Group program; gather after president’s address; EECI meet by division with vice president
  • September – Group workshop
  • October – Participants meet one-on-one or small group with their facilitator
  • November – Group workshop
  • Early December – Supervisors of participants meet with coordinators and facilitators
  • January –mini-retreat (half- or full-day off-site retreat)
  • February – Participants meet one-on-one or small group with their facilitator
  • March – Group workshop
  • April – Group final program and wrap-up (celebration with supervisors, VPs and participants)

How do I apply?

EECI is an optional experience based on participant interest and supervisor approval. Applications include an acknowledgment that supervisors have been consulted. Each participant’s supervisor should be involved and attend supervisor meetings to foster communication and on-going learning between sessions. For information on how to join the Elon Early Career Institute, contact program coordinators Emily Krechel, director of new student programs, or Megan Noltemeyer, assistant to the vice president for student life and director of strategic initiatives.