David Radcliff presents “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” on Feb. 21

Thursday, Feb. 21, 5 p.m.
McMichael 215
“It’s The End of the World As We Know It”
A multimedia presentation on the effects of global warming on particular ecosystems and populations in developing countries and elsewhere.
David Radcliff is director of the Elgin, Illinois-based New Community Project. He travels widely around the U.S. doing presentations in schools, congregations, youth events, community settings, and regional and national gatherings. His areas of emphasis are living responsibly with the earth, living respectfully and justly with our neighbors, and generally confronting the culture of consumption for our own spiritual health and for the good of the planet, its people and coming generations. David is a graduate of Bridgewater College and Bethany Seminary (MDiv, DMin [peace studies]); teaches courses at Elizabethtown College in the areas of globalization, environmental care, and poverty and hunger; has led Learning Tours to the Arctic, Amazon, Iraq, Sudan, and Central America; and has traded in his car for a bicycle.