The Sorry Kick-Off Party – Nov. 17

Join us to celebrate (Almost) Ten Years After Bubble B#tching. A retrospective of the only independent newspaper in the history of Elon University. Come all and tell all your friends!

This is the first event by Elon’s own Curatorial Club “The Sorry” (Contemporary Art / Social Life)

(Almost) Ten Years After Bubble B#tching.
Trollinger Arts and Letters
Trollinger House. 201 W. Trollinger Ave.
Thursday Nov. 17 / 8 p.m.
Desserts / Music / Bubble Gum / Good Times

The Sorry
The Sorry is an independent initiative at Elon University. We aim to connect alternative spaces with contemporary artistic practices around the Elon campus. As an independent initiative, we seek to showcase work that falls under the radar of established institutions and outside the standard categories of contemporary art.

The Sorry’s events are one night only. They emphasize the urgency of new mediums and embrace social life as a space for reflection, conversation, and analysis. The sorry speaks through parties, radio, web, posters, zines and other forms of print.

BB was an underground publication that circulated at Elon during 2003. This satirical newspaper appeared as a one-page bi-weekly xeroxed publication poking fun at the day-to-day of campus life. Articles about the quality of campus food, tips on dating, fashion and campus facilities populated the pages of BB, which were placed every two weeks at the campus news stands by their anonymous creators. The phenomena gained momentum in the mainstream campus conversation. Students and faculty waited eagerly for the next issue of Bubble Bitching and The Pendulum published a couple of articles talking about it. And then on December 2003, Bubble Bitching called it quits.

This is, then, an opportunity to experience a blast from the past and enjoy 2003’s Elon.