Elon Passover Seder

The Jewish holiday of Passover begins on Friday evening, April 6. Elon Hillel is hosting a Passover Seder that evening, from 6:00-7:30pm in Oaks 212.

The Seder will include the traditional retelling of the story of the Exodus from Egypt (the reading of the Haggadah) with lots of singing. We will serve a traditional Passover meal of matzoh ball soup, brisket, vegetables, and Passover desserts.

The seder is free for students, and by donation for faculty and staff and their families, however you must reserve a space in advance.

Reservations can be made by contacting Nancy Luberoff, Hillel Campus Director, at nluberoff@elon.edu or X7729. 

Non-Jewish faculty, staff, and students are always welcome.  We extend a special welcome to children.