Center for Undegraduate Publishing and Information Design (CUPID) Launches New Website

The Center for Undergraduate Research and Information Design (CUPID) has launched a new website and student-driven blog to support its mission: to provide space and support for students to develop into thoughtful, rhetorically savvy communicators capable of working effectively with multiple audiences in complex professional situations using a variety of available rhetorical tools and strategies.

CUPID, housed in Alamance 318, is a dedicated workspace that primarily serves English majors in the Professional Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) concentration, students in the Professional Writing Studies interdisciplinary minor, and students currently taking PWR and other English courses.CUPID is a lab and community hub that affords students the opportunity to collaborate with other writers, to interact with internal and external clients, to improve computer-mediated writing skills, and to acquire experience completing complex writing tasks through programming such as the CUPID Studio course, the CUPID Associates program, and ongoing publishing projects like the CELEBRATE! program and departmental newsletter.

The new website has information about CUPID’s mission and ongoing efforts, student projects, and programs. The new blog space is a student-run forum to discuss rhetoric- and writing-related topics on campus as well as to showcase student and faculty publishing projects.

Thanks to students Victoria Doose ’12, Michael McFarland ’12, and Kristin Pinder ’12 for their dedication to bringing the new website to launch, and thanks to Mia Brady ’13 and Chelsea Vollrath ’13 for running the blog this semester.