Tibetan Buddhist teacher visits Elon – April 3

Geshe Gelek Chodha, resident teacher at the Kadampa Center for the practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the Gelugpa Tradition from Raleigh, will be at Elon on Thursday, April 3, in the Numen Lumen Pavilion.

Elon University welcomes Geshe Gelek to campus on Thursday, April 3, for a day that organizers hope will increase our compassion, peace, and understanding.

Please join Geshe Gelek and the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, Iron Tree Blooming Meditation Society, ICE: Interfaith Community at Elon, and Asian Studies for the following public events.

All events are in the Numen Lumen Pavilion.

 9:50-10:20 a.m.: Numen Lumen: A Thursday Inspiration

Geshe Gelek will talk from a Tibetan Buddhist perspective on this year’s Numen Lumen theme of “Reconciling Lives: Personal Stories in the Search for Multi-Faith Understanding.” Twisted Measure, one of Elon’s student a capella groups, will be the musical accompaniment.
4:15-5:15 p.m.: Sitting Meditation

Geshe Gelek will offer brief meditation instruction, lead a 20-minute silent mediation, and conclude the sitting talking about his meditation practices.
5:30–6:15 p.m.: “How to Make your Mind an Ocean”

Geshe Gelek’s talk includes a brief question-and-answer opportunity.