Leadership Fellows examine social justice values

Assistant Professor of Education Cherrel Miller-Dyce spoke to the Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows during a recent Fellows Forum about social justice values in democratic leadership.

What better way to analyze leadership in stimulating conversation than over lemonade and cookies?

On Tuesday, Sept. 9, the Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows assembled for the year’s first Fellows Forum, an event where Leadership Fellows come together for monthly gatherings to discuss leadership from different perspectives, as well as current global issues. The Center for Leadership hosts the event and invites a faculty/staff member or local community leader to speak with the Fellows.

This month Cherrel Miller-Dyce, assistant professor of education and Multicultural Center faculty fellow, presented her ideas on social justice and democratic leadership with the presentation “Pride, Privilege, Power, and Prejudice: Leading from a Social Justice Paradigm.” The Leadership Fellows were encouraged to incorporate social justice values into their demonstrated leadership by employing their leadership skills in an interpersonal context.

“It was so neat to start this school year with such an enlightening forum,” said sophomore fellow Julia Lescarbeau. “Dr. Dyce offered great insights challenging us to become aware of our pride, privilege, power and prejudices as democratic leaders. Her presentation was interactive and engaging.”

In addition to the speaker, the program has started a new initiative of “Food For Thought.” This program employs a debrief session after the address for small group discussions on the topic at hand.

“Dr. Dyce’s speech was very thought provoking and was a great topic of conversation for our inaugural Food for Thought,” said sophomore fellow Jenny Fukunaga.

“Not only did Dr. Dyce offer new challenges and perspectives, the reflection enhanced our thinking further,” Lescarbeau said.

The Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows distinguish themselves as authentic leaders on campus and in their communities. The Leadership Fellow program aids leaders by further cultivating students leadership skills and putting those skills into action to make a positive difference in the world. Students are able to demonstrate their personal foundations for leadership and take value in their growth as leaders through their college careers and beyond.