Associate Professor of Psychology Buffie Longmire-Avital participated in the 62nd Annual Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality in Denver, Colorado.
Associate Professor of Psychology Buffie Longmire-Avital gave an invited talk and presented her research at the 62nd Annual Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality in Denver, Colorado.

Longmire-Avital’s talk titled “Who Ever Said the Small Things Don’t Matter: Conducting and Publishing Rigorous Research with Small Sample Sizes” was a continuing education seminar designed to help graduate students, early career academics and community researchers at nonprofits conceptualize research questions, methodologies, and data analytic plans for publication success. Longmire-Avital’s scholarship, particularly with historically understudied populations, and ongoing contribution to the Journal of Sex Research as a peer reviewer, were highlighted as reasons for the invitation by the organizing committee.
In addition to her invited talk, Longmire-Avital also presented her research on the intersectional identities and partner selection preferences of black gay young adult men. This research was done collaboratively with alumni Tres McMichael ’19 and Bridgette Agbozo ’19.