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The Oaks Neighborhood Association are Awarded a WEI High-Impact Grant

March 14, 2014

The Oaks Neighborhood's RAC (Rachaele Andrews), RA (Evan Buck), TSIR (Angela Ansah), Director of Residence Life (Elaine Turner), and association members, (Joan Ruelle and Scott Hildebrand) are awarded a grant for...

Enhancing Residents’ Writing and Using Writing to Build Community at the Oaks Neighborhood

Darris Means earns national dissertation award

February 17, 2014

Darris Means, Elon Academy Associate Director, has been named the first place winner for the Dissertation Award by the American Association for Blacks in Higher Education.

Darris Means selected to receive Award for Co-authored Article

January 17, 2014

The American College Personnel Association’s Standing Committee on Men and Masculinities will present Darris R. Means, associate director of the Elon Academy, and Donald Mitchell Jr., assistant professor of higher education at Grand Valley State University, with the Outstanding Research Award in March.