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Belk Library Summer Lunch Series
May 24, 2011
Retired Elon professor authors book on Haw River
April 29, 2011
The Haw River has been key to the region’s growth and development over the centuries, and as associate professor emerita Anne Cassebaum writes in her new book, Down Along the Haw: The History of a North Carolina River, its importance can’t be ignored as efforts continue to preserve one of the region’s vital waterways.
Michelle Trim publishes book chapter
April 29, 2011
Michelle Trim published a chapter in the new anthology The 21st Century Motherhood Movement:
Mothers Speak Out on Why We Need to Change the World and How to Do It. Her chapter is titled, "Articulating a Rhetoric of Agency for Pregnancy Through Intersectionality: The National Advocates for Pregnant Women."
Mothers Speak Out on Why We Need to Change the World and How to Do It. Her chapter is titled, "Articulating a Rhetoric of Agency for Pregnancy Through Intersectionality: The National Advocates for Pregnant Women."
Photographer’s gifts on display in Belk Library
April 12, 2011
Twenty-four photographs from around the globe are on display throughout Belk Library as a gift to Elon University from North Carolina photographer John T. Giancotti.
Professor conjures Satan to critique society in ‘Devil’s Ink’
April 6, 2011
What would Satan say about nuclear weapons? Or politicians and their mistresses? Or Disney World? And would he say it in a … blog? Such is the premise of Devil's Ink: Blog from the Basement Office by Elon University professor Jeffrey C. Pugh, who uses Lucifer’s point of view in a new book critiquing cultural institutions that readers may assume are necessary without considering the evil they can create.
Four Communications faculty members author book about visual theory, practice
April 6, 2011
When associate professor of communications Brooke Barnett was trying to find a textbook for the School of Communications Digital Media Convergence class she could not find one that she thought was a perfect fit. The class covers photography, videography, editing, web design and basic visual storytelling practices. And all that information wasn't readily available in one place.
ACM Club and Belk Library host game night
April 4, 2011
The Berenstain Bears Go to Elon – TODAY
March 31, 2011
Author and illustrator Mike Berenstain, whose parents, Stan and Jan, created the iconic children's literature series The Berenstain Bears, visits Elon this week for a public lecture that will explore the importance of early literacy and the art of writing and editing for children.
Professor writes Spanish textbook for health professionals
March 29, 2011
With the growing number of Spanish-speaking patients who visit emergency rooms and doctors’ offices across the country, medical professionals often confront language barriers that can hinder treatment. Public health researchers have taken note, and a new introductory Spanish textbook authored by Elon University professor Ernest Lunsford takes aim at the problem.
Belk Library on your mobile device
March 28, 2011
Belk Library now has a mobile website that provides easy online access from your mobile device.