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Archives Week at Belk Library – Oct. 20-26
October 21, 2008
Banned Books Week Sept. 27-Oct. 4
September 26, 2008
Jonathan Kozol delivers Common Reading Lecture TONIGHT
September 23, 2008
Award-winning author and public education reform advocate Jonathan
Kozol visits Elon University on Sept. 23 for its 2008-09 Common Reading
Lecture to share with college students the joys of
serving impoverished children.
O’Kelly Chapel records now available for online research
September 12, 2008
Two record books from the early years of the Christian Church are now
available online through Elon University’s web site for researchers to
access anywhere in the world.
Scrapbook gives peek at early campus life
July 8, 2008
A student scrapbook now on loan to Belk Library is offering the
university a rare glimpse of campus life in the 1920s. The book, which
belongs to a family with historic ties to Elon, includes letters, music
programs – even photos taken inside the Old Main administration
building just hours after a 1923 fire threatened the future of the
Elon employee celebrates 85th birthday
May 19, 2008
Carret contest winning essays available online
February 27, 2008
Students planning to enter the 12th Annual Philip L. Carret “Thomas
Jefferson Essay Competition” now have another resource to use when
conducting research for their work: past winning essays available on the Belk Library web site.
Former professor makes gift to Elon library
November 30, 2007
A generous gift from a former Elon music professor will help the Belk
Library expand its book and score collection in classical music and
opera. Wayne T. Moore, who would also teach for and later retire from Auburn
University, presented the university
librarian with a check for the collection on Nov. 30.
Belk librarians elected to statewide offices
November 7, 2007
Celebrate NC Archives Week Oct. 22-28
October 19, 2007